Online Board Meetings Benefits

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Online Board Meetings Benefits

Teleconference meetings are becoming more frequent as companies are adjusting to working from home for a long time following the pandemic. Virtual meetings are useful however there are some challenges to be weighed.

Reduced engagement: Going remote may initially be intimidating for some attendees who are not used to online communication, which leads to a click now lower participation rate in the meeting. This could hinder the progress of the board and impede the agenda of the company.

It can also be difficult to read facial expressions and body language in a virtual chat which can result in confusions. Inattention to eye contact can also cause some directors to feel less comfortable and listeners who are passive. This is not ideal for the boardroom.

The board portal can be used to improve these issues. For example an application for managing boards with an encrypted video conference feature allows for easy recording of meetings and keep important documents in one place. Directors can access documents and minutes from any device at any time.

It is also a great idea to ensure that the room is spotless and free of distractions. For instance the meeting should not be held during mealtimes and all attendees should mute their phones when they are not speaking to avoid background noise. The chair should be able to monitor all attendees and advise participants to only use their microphones when needed.

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